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Stem Ginger Red Miso Cheesecake Recipe
This golden coloured Stem Ginger Red Miso Cheesecake is a weekend treat, all right! Creamy sweet with a tangy umami coming through with the red miso paste, it's perfect with a cup of bitter green tea.

Baked Camembert with Miso Honey Sauce Recipe
A bubbling baked Camembert at Christmas - what could jazz up this festive sharing classic? Miso of course! We couldn't resist sharing some of our favourite miso dishes for the festive season!

Baked Vegan Matcha Tofu Cheesecake Recipe
You may not expect it, but Tofu is the perfect ingredient to create vegan versions of your favourite desserts. It can be whipped up into creamy textures similar to ricotta, or even a wobbly panna cotta, and it brings a lightness to desserts that can be traditionally heavy. This recipe is a fun tofu take on a much-loved classic!

Miso Margherita Pizza Recipe
Yes, you heard us right! Miso on a pizza! Miso and Tomato are fantastic friends in the kitchen; they boost each other’s umami level in a gentle way; you won’t actually taste a miso flavour in this pizza you will only notice how rich the tomato sauce is. In this pizza, it is like you have added meat or anchovies to the pizza, only you haven’t; miso adds umami richness to tomato sauce in a vegan way. Clever? We think so!