Miso Tasty Blog
Welcome to Miso Tasty’s blog where you will find our latest news and updates and our guide to Japanese cooking ingredients, food and recommendations.

Bonnie Taste Test Kultured London’s McDonald’s Happy Meal Miso!
I wasn't sure whether I was going to like the range of wacky miso Kultured London brought for me to try, but DAMMIT, they were DELICIOUS! My 2 favourites were the Greggs Sausage roll miso... and surprisingly, the MCDONALD’S HAPPY MEAL MISO! Yes, you really can miso almost anything!! You might have spotted Jonathan recently on Jamie Oliver show together with his famous bacon miso!

the importance of fermented foods by Eve Kalinik, Nutrition Editor at Psychologies Magazine
Check out Aprils issue of Psychologies Magazine and learn all about fermenting foods and why the are important in Eve Kalinik‘s article ‘Culture Club’. Also find out who she name drops as her favourite miso paste producer!