Miso Tasty Blog
Welcome to Miso Tasty’s blog where you will find our latest news and updates and our guide to Japanese cooking ingredients, food and recommendations.

how to cook the perfect ramen! - Miso Tasty Shows the Daily Mail
To mark National Ramen Day, we’ve been learning all about the UK’s ramen habits. In our survey of over 2000 people, we found that 84% of Britons are cooking noodles ALL wrong!! Sad news, it’s true, but thankfully, that’s what Miso Tasty are here for!

Talk Radio interview founder of Miso Tasty; Bonnie about the art of noodles!
Bonnie Chung founder of Miso Tasty was invited onto Talk Radios weekend breakfast show with Penny Smith! Listen to her share how to master the art of noodles in celebration of National Ramen Day, including tips on how to get your ramen noodles perfect at home by adopting some simple noodle hacks! 🍜🍱🍘🍙🍣🍤🎧🎤 Listen again here from 8.21am.