How to dissolve miso paste?

How To Dissolve Miso Paste?

At Miso Tasty, we call this process, thinning the miso first before adding it to sauces and marinades. Miso paste can be stubborn to mix into soups and sauces, which means you usually need to add a bit of elbow grease in before you get to a smooth consistency, either by hand or with a blender. White miso paste is generally more sticky than red miso paste which is more grainy so they take some time to be fully incorporated into the body of the sauce or marinade.

When adding to soups, we recommend taking a bit of the soup liquid out, to blend in the miso paste until it is even – we call this bit the “thinning of the miso” and THEN proceed to add it to the soup pot itself with the rest of the liquid.

Alternatively, if you have a strainer, as shown in this picture, push it through to ensure a smooth consistency with no lumps.


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